Tag: Vanetta Chapman

What Did You Read in July 2016?

It’s been a busy month. I’ve managed to produce almost 40,000 words of the first draft of my first novella (being the first in the series, not the first I’ve written). And I’ve read a few books …

Favourite Reads - July 2016

The best books I read in July 2016 were:

Missing by Lisa Harris, the newest thriller from this award-winning author (you can read my review here)

Deep Shadows by Vanetta Chapman, a thought-provoking near-future dystopian novel set in Texas (you can read my review here)

When Mountains Move by Julie Cantrell, the second novel from an author who took Christian fiction by storm with her debut (you can read my review here)

The Things We Knew by Catherine West, a poignant look at family and love (you can read my review here)