Tag: Bookish Question. Library

Have you requested books for your local library?

Bookish Question #63 | Have you requested books for your local library?

We’ve talked before about whether we borrow books from the library. I used to, but don’t so much any more.

But what if your local library doesn’t have a book you want to read? Do you request the book?

My local library system has a good selection of Christian fiction, which is great. They also now have ebooks available, which extends the available selection. What we don’t have (that I know of) is an inter-library loan system the way I think some other countries have.

Anyway, our local libraries are pretty good, which meant (back when I used to use them) that I was generally able to find books I wanted to read. So I never bothered requesting books—I didn’t need to.

I did once request one of the Red Rock Mysteries for my daughter. The library had the first four books in the series, and I requested book 5. But they told me the first four books weren’t borrowed often enough to justify buying book five. So I didn’t ask again. Then I got my Kindle, started reviewing through NetGalley, and regular trips to the library became a thing of the past.

What about you? Have you requested books for your local library?