Do you have a book budget? Do you stick to it?

Bookish Question #92 | Do you have a book budget? Do you stick to it?

No, I don’t have a book budget, although perhaps I should.

However, I don’t spend a lot on books because most of the books I buy are Kindle versions, especially when it comes to fiction (which is most of what I buy). The only novels I regularly buy in paperback are those I’ve edited (when the authors don’t gift them to me). I like owning the paperback when it’s something I’ve worked on!

I do buy non-fiction books in paperback or hardcover. They are reference books, and I find it’s easier to read and highlight paperbacks, or to search through physical copies of style manuals.

My enormous to-read pile means I try not to buy books (try!) because I already have so many I’ve bought and haven’t read. And it seems wrong to buy more books when I haven’t read the ones I already have.

What about you? Do you have a book budget? Do you stick to it?


  1. Yes, I do have a book budget. In the past I never used to stick to it! Now I do as I have had to put the brakes on buying books as they were piling up not being read and to be honest, I could see an addiction type issue developing in me!! So many times, I would say no, I will not buy, but put on my wishlist only a few hours or days later, go and but it!!

    Now I am much more disciplined. I do put that book on the Wishlist and buy later or when I have started the series and I like the first novel. Then I would buy the next one or all of them.

    I will not be short of novels to read when I retire in 7 years time!!! LOL

    • Iola Goulton says:

      That pretty much describes my problem. I now try to only buy books I’m going to read right away … and I’m also trying to tackle that huge pile of unread books (paperback and ebook).

  2. Beckie B. says:

    Although I did laugh when I first saw your tweet about this post, this is a good question. I honestly have never put myself on a book budget. I am naturally not a big spender (cheap may be a better descriptor) but I don’t stint when I see books I want to read. That’s why I limit my trips to the bookstore or Amazon — too much temptation. And besides, between all the books I own and the pretties that come into my house for review, I don’t suffer from not enough to read. My husband has requested that for every book that comes in another must leave. I really try, but it is so hard. He doesn’t look too hard at the shelves. LOL!

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