How many books do you buy in a month?

Bookish Question #239 | How many books do you buy in a month?

I don’t keep track of how many books I buy. However, I do keep track of how many books I read and how many I review via Goodreads.

I review one book a week, although they are almost all free review copies rather than books I’ve bought myself. I read another one to two books a week, which are a mix of new books and books I’ve had on my Kindle for a while.

I am trying to work my way through my to-read pile, but do seem to buy more books than I read. On that basis, I estimate that I buy eight or nine books a month. It can be hard to tell, as I do also pre-order books from Amazon, and pre-orders can be months in advance (so long that I sometimes forget I’ve already ordered the book. Fortunately, Amazon tells me).

I checked my Amazon account (as I buy all my ebooks from Amazon).

Amazon tells me I bought 57 free and paid-for Kindle books in the first seven months of 2022, which is an average of eight per month. Around half of those were free downloads.  Of the ten books I bought in July, five were free and two were pre-orders.

I haven’t been doing a great job of getting through my to-read pile this year, but I have read most of these books shortly after downloading them … or, in the case of some of the books (paid and unpaid), I’ve started and discarded them.

So I buy around eight books a month, get another four review copies, and read around twelve books per month. That means my to-read pile isn’t growing, so I consider that a win 😉

What about you? How many books do you buy in a month?

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