If you DNF a book, will you give the book (or author) a second chance?

Bookish Question #228 | If you DNF a book, will you give the book a second chance?

If you DNF a book, will you give the book (or author) a second chance?

DNF. Did not finish.

Yes, I do DNF books. Sometimes I’ll give the book a second chance, although that depends on why I DNF’d it in the first place.

If I abandon a book for a personal reason (e.g. I thought it was romance but it was actually women’s fiction), then I’ll give it another chance … on one of those days where I want to read women’s fiction.

But if I abandon the book because I have an issue with the book, then I’m unlikely to pick it up again.

What kind of issues make me DNF?

If I don’t like one of the main characters or find too many plot issues (or plot holes), then I’m unlikely to finish that book, but I will try another book by that same author.

If I abandon the book because of quality issues e.g. poor spelling, poor writing, or a badly formatted ebook (like the one that had spaces everywhere there should have been a letter F), then I will try another book by that author … but I will make sure I read the sample first. If the sample shows the same issues, I won’t give the author a third chance. There are too many other authors out there!

If I try two or three books by the same author and don’t finish any of them (or don’t enjoy any of them), then I’m unlikely to give that author a fourth chance. There are a couple of popular authors I don’t read simply because I’ve never latched on to their writing style. That’s on me, not them, but I’m not going to spend my time or money buying books I’m unlikely to enjoy.

What about you? If you DNF a book, will you give the book (or author) another chance?

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