What's Your Favourite Book with a Four-Word Title?

Bookish Question #215 | What’s Your Favourite Book with a Four-Word Title?

A few weeks back, I looked at books with one-word titles. That was a much easier question to answer, as a one-word title is obvious. You don’t have to count the words: the title is either one word, or it’s not.

Four-word titles are a little harder. It’s not a natural way of categorising books (e.g. like categorising by author, genre, or the year of publication).

However, one favourite novel did immediately come to mind and it actually did have a four-word-title:

Then There Was You by Kara Isaac

I love Then There Was You because it’s from one of my favourite authors, because it’s set in Australia and New Zealand, and because it’s got absolutely the best last chapter of any romance I’ve ever read. The rest of the book is excellent, but that last chapter gets me every time I read it (in a good way!).

Full disclosure: I copyedited Then There Was you, which later went on to win a RITA Award from Romance Writers of New Zealand for books with Religious or Spiritual Elements (and I have a plaque on my wall to prove it). So it’s not just me who thinks it’s a great book 🙂

What about you? What’s your favourite book with a four-word title?


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