Tag: Friday Fifteen

Do you have a favourite novel

Bookish Question #20 | Do you have a favourite novel?

Last week we talked about the novel we’ve read and reread. This week I’m taking a slightly different spin:

What’s your favourite novel?

This is a hard question. I have a free download available from this website—my fifty favourite authors. Yes, that’s favourite authors, not favourite novels. And I need to update it, to add in new authors I’ve discovered since I originally compiled it.

It will have to be an expansion. There is no way I can cut any of those authors off my list of favourites.

If you’d like a copy, sign up for my email list in the box on the right of this page.

I also had a Friday Fifteen feature on my previous blog, Iola’s Christian Reads, where authors share their fifteen favourite books or authors. Most offer to contribute thinking it will be easy … but find it more difficult than they’d anticipated.

And narrowing that list down to one favourite novel? Hard. Very hard. (A favourite book would be easier for most Christians. We’d say the Bible. But that’s kind of cheating.)

Can you do it? Do you have a favourite novel? What is it?